promoting conservation through artistic efforts
7 x 12
Some time ago I was at a butterfly conservatory marveling at the countless species fluttering overhead. One in particular caught my eye. The rice paper butterfly ( Idea leuconoe ) also known as a "paper kite" was flying much more slowly and languidly than any of the other species. So delicate were its wings that it seemed like a piece of thin tissue paper that had been caught by a gentle breeze.
These butterflies are closely related to monarchs, and as such, carry a similar striking pattern serving to warn predators that they are poisonous. In the wild, this toxicity affords them the luxury of flying in such a relaxed manner without fear of being picked off by birds. Unfortunately, amidst the ravages of the general public at the conservatory, it wasn't long before a few dead butterflies could be seen along the walkways, their wings shredded and torn.
The geometric black and white pattern of this species caught the light beautifully, and reminded me of cut glass. I decided to feature one perched on a crystal vase in this artwork - both living and static elements showing strength in design and function, but ultimately fragile to outside forces.