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Drought Relief
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Three years ago, I was sitting in an underground blind in Botswana watching a herd of elephants drinking from a watering hole. Several of them were just a few feet from where I sat. Our group was silent, save for the sound of camera shutters firing off, as the water sloshed, the elephants snorted and chuffed, grateful to finally be getting the liquid relief. They approached the water with exuberance, ears flapping, trumpeting and jostling with each other for position. It seemed a happy time for them (and for us!) but it was a stark reminder of how critical these little watering places are for the megafauna of Africa.

These days, with such a rapidly changing climate, there often is no remaining water for miles in the dry season. Many animals die of thirst, or starvation, as vegetation dries up and withers away. At times, National Parks and refuges must have hay bales brought in to feed critical elephant herds. As the climate situation gets progressively more dire, it will place an enormous stress on populations already struggling from other pressures. Precious water – too little in some places, too much in others. Areas with historic periodic drought will be severely devastated. If you value wildlife and biodiversity, please consider any ways in which you can contribute to curbing carbon emissions.